the industry's best awards
Crypto Week Madrid Awards


Best NFT Collection
Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories




Best NFT Collection
Web 3.0 Entrepreneur of the Year
Best StartUp of the year
We have TOKENIZED our land of 15,360,100 square feet located in "Hacienda Las Maravillas", Venezuela, where 14 species of wild animals in danger of extinction, due to hunting and deforestation also causing Climate Change, have their habitat. This land was acquired by the CEO of Animaland.help through exchanges of his land surveying services for 25 years. For this we have subdivided our land into 9,500 parts measuring between 1 and 17,260 square feet and a width between 1 and 4 feet (0.305 and 1.22 meters). We have identified each one of these 9,500 parts with its name and the 4 vertices of each one with UTM Coordinates so that they can be visited virtually by Google Earth, any satellite system or our future Drone. We have projected these 9,500 plots without pedestrian or road access. The 4 vertices mentioned are virtual and not physical. Simultaneously we have created 9,500 NFTS with images alluding to the damage caused by hunting and deforestation to these 14 species of endangered animals, to their habitat and to the planet with climate change. To each one of these 9,500 NFTS we have associated one of these 9,500 plots. Each person who acquires an NFT will receive a plot of land as a reward. In this way we prevent "de facto" the transit of hunters, deforestation machinery and any type of people or vehicles. Each person who invests in our NFTs will receive through a Smart Contract a Certificate of Appreciation, an Avatar for their Social Networks and the respective Award/Ownership Document. These NFTS were and are being created by the Polygon Blockchain and bid on OpenSea. A unique and great opportunity for (a) ordinary people who wish to star for themselves in saving endangered animals and the Planet from Climate Change (b) for investors who will be able to earn money from the revaluation of the NFTS and simultaneously help 2 Noble Causes such as saving those animals from extinction and our Planet from Climate Change. 50% of the proceeds will be dedicated to acquire new land to replicate this venture on a Global Level. Another 15% will be dedicated to develop and implement the "Plus Ultra Virtual Bank" (PUVB) which consists of the creation of a non-profit Virtual Bank, which without using money, will aim to reverse the situation that more than 1,000 million unemployed, underemployed and critically poor people are suffering. It will do so through multilateral exchanges compensated with the backing of Blockchain Technology / Cryptocurrencies / SmartContracts / ArtificialIntelligence. The PUVB is not based on a Theory but on the experiences made in Venezuela during 25 years where one of its protagonists was the current CEO of Animaland.help. Everything described here has its corresponding verifiable supports.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories

Beer money



Best NFT Collection
beer money is the only one that combines two growing markets such as craft beer and the cryptocurrency market, plus an additional 45% will be used to buy back tokens at market price which will be destroyed, thus building a collaborative and sustainable business model.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories




DAO Project of the Year
Web 3.0 Entrepreneur of the Year
Best NFT Collection
The Social Impact Award
Best StartUp of the year
Climatecoin will be creator of the world's first regulated digital carbon asset. Run on a carbon neutral blockchain and backed by high-quality carbon credits, Climatecoin funds credible and impactful decarbonization projects across the globe, providing investors and climate advocates with a meaningful investment to offset their carbon footprints. The company aims to unleash a global investment movement to neutralize and reverse Earth's climate threat by democratizing climate finance. Join the movement.

Climate Balance: Once and for all.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories




Best Crypto Training School
Best StartUp of the year
Best Content Creator
Best NFT Collection
Blockchain Academy

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories




The Social Impact Award
Best StartUp of the year
Best NFT Collection
The first zoo present both in the metaverse and in real life!
To reach as much of the population as possible to educate, raise awareness and conserve biodiversity.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories

Outer Ring MMO Lands



Best NFT Collection
Use your Gallactic Quadrant to participate in the public auctions of Lands in Great Silver City and become the owner of virtual lands within the Outer Ring MMO world.
This land system will help you boost your in-game growth. Exploit these valuable spaces to generate resources and build crafting stations where you can make state-of-the-art weapons and armor parts.
Colonize space and join the exclusive Great Silver City community where you can interact with your neighbors and project partners. Let's work together to build and expand this virtual galaxy!

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories

Outer Ring MMO Lootboxes



Best NFT Collection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories




Best NFT Collection
NFT Referring Artist
DeFi Project of the Year
Best Metaverse of the Year
TRIBE is a collaborative B2B Web3 system through Airdrops and AI-NFTs: in other words, TRIBE is a FREE AI-generated NFT launching platform based on celebrities, influencers and web projects3.

Each collection of AI-NFTs has a total of 21 different AI-generated designs based on the corporate image of the project, celebrity or influencer adapted to different AI interpretation styles; oil painting, comic, cyberpunk, futuristic, abstract, among others.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories

Women's feelings



NFT Referring Artist
Best NFT Collection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Crypto Week Madrid Awards. 20 award categories

World Challenge Game



Best Blockchain Game
Best Content Creator
Best StartUp of the year
Web 3.0 Entrepreneur of the Year
Best NFT Collection
The first board game to feature blockchain technology

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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